• Free consultation
  • London: +44 20 3239 5990
  • Service[at]1avisas.co.uk

Privacy Policy

At 1a Visa Consulting Limited, we take the protection and security of our customers' data very seriously, adhering strictly to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data is only collected to the extent necessary to fulfill the order and is not disclosed to third parties. Here we inform you about the data we collect and the purpose for which it is used:

What data is transmitted?

Our database only stores personal data provided by the applicant on the order form. This includes data submitted both in paper form and electronically, such as salutation, first and last name, billing and delivery address, phone number, and email address. Additional data requested in the visa application forms of respective countries (such as marital status, ID documents, profession, family, and travel plans) are forwarded to the respective visa offices and are not stored by our company. Documents submitted in paper form are destroyed after the completion of the order.

Information, Amendment, and Deletion

You can inquire at any time about whether and what personal data we hold about you; deletion of your data can be done at any time upon request. Your data will never be disclosed to third parties—except for a one-time transfer to visa offices or in the case of debt collection procedures to our legal representatives or a collections court. EMail to: Service[at]1avisas.co.uk

Data Security

The data we store is held in our outsourced data center operated by SmarterASP.net, which is commits to stringent data protection exceeding legal requirements [https://www.smarterasp.net/privacy]. Data transmission is encrypted. Your data is accessible exclusively to the employees of 1a Visa Consulting Limited during office hours. Our employees are trained and committed to data protection.

Our Websites

If you visit our websites without registering, our webservers do not collect connection data in log files. When you generate an online form, the program uses cookies that are only valid during your visit. Unlike a tracking cookie, it is not possible to evaluate this cookie across domains as advertising networks do. The cookie is not used to analyze your user behavior, but rather to enable an order to be processed. By using our website, you consent to the processing of data collected about you.

This website uses Google Inc.'s analytical tools for marketing and optimization purposes ("Google"). Data is collected and stored in an anonymized form, such as the name of your Internet service provider and which pages of our website you have visited. Google Analytics uses "cookies," which are text files stored on your computer that allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website is generally transferred to and stored on a server in the USA by Google. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other Google data/services.

The collected data is not used to personally identify the visitor of this website; the individual user remains anonymous, and no data is shared with third parties. Instead, Google creates various reports about website activities on behalf of the operator of this website.

Stand: Mai 2024